viernes, 13 de junio de 2014

Bussines English 4



INTRODUCTION_______________________________________________________ 10
Activities_______________________________________________________________ 11
Activity 1 - Vocabulary and Grammar.______________________________________ 11
1.1.     Vocabulary______________________________________________________ 11
1.1.1.      Develop the activities proposed in Tell Me More for this section. Go to 11
1.1.2.      Open your Market Leader book on page 97 and develop exercises A to C on internal communication.______________________________________________________ 11      (A) How do companies communicate with employees?____________ 11      (B) Complete the text below using the words from the box._________ 11      (C) Match each of the words in red in Exercise B to one of these definitions.            13
1.1.3.      Now open your Market Leader book on page 105 and develop exercises A to C on company cultures.                                                                                                                          13      (A) Different companies have different cultures and ways of working.                  ________________________________________________________13      (B) Would you like to work for an organization which has:_________ 15      (C) Match each phrase (1-5) to its explanation (a-e).______________ 15
1.1.4.      On page 113 of your Market Leader book, develop exercises A to C on skills and abilities.   16      (A) Complete the first part of the advertisement below with the verbs from the box. Use the words in brackets to help you._______________________________________________ 16      (B) Complete the second part of the advertisement with the verbs from the box.                  ________________________________________________________17      (C) Describe your role in your present or a past job. Use the verbs from Exercise A and B. 17
1.1.5.      Go over learning object 1 and test what you have learnt on vocabulary. 18
1.2.     Grammar_______________________________________________________ 19
1.2.1.      Develop the activities proposed in Tell Me More for this section. Go to 19
OK the end of activities in the platform.__________________________________ 19
1.2.2.      Open your Market Leader book on pages 98 and 99: Develop exercises A to F of Language Focus 1.            19      (A) Complete these sentences using the present continuous form of the verbs in brackets.   19      (B) Compete this text using the present continuous form of the verbs in brackets.                  ________________________________________________________19      (C) Look at your diary. Talk about three or four things you are doing next week.                  _______________________________________________________20      (D) Complete these sentences using going to.____________________ 20      (E) CD2.31 Listen to Janine and Patrick talking about plans for next year.                  _______________________________________________________20      (E) Tick (_) the plans below which are true for you. Add four more plans to each list.         21
1.2.3.      Open your Market Leader book on page 101: Develop exercises A to E of Language Focus 2 (all exercises can be developed individually).__________________________________ 22      (A) Work in pairs. Find the sentences with mistakes and correct them.                  _______________________________________________________22      (B) Work in pairs. Make a list of three or four changes you think will happen in office communication. Share your ideas with another pair._______________________ 23      (C) Complete the sentences below with future time expressions from the box.                  ________________________________________________________23      (D) Match the statements (1-5) to the offers (a-e)._________________ 24      (E) Work in groups. You have to organise the launch of your new website.                  _______________________________________________________24
1.2.4.      Now go over exercises A to C on page 107 of your Market Leader book about the use of should/shouldn’t.___________________________________________________ 25      (A) Complete the sentences below using should or shouldn’t and a phrase from the box.    25      (B) Give the opposite advice by using should or shouldn’t or I don’t think.                  _______________________________________________________25      (C) Work in pairs. Your colleague is going on a business trip. Take turns to ask for and give advice using the notes below.__________________________________________ 26
1.2.5.      Develop exercises A to E on page 109 of your Market Leader book about the use of could/would.               26      (A) These questions were asked on a plane journey. Decide whether they were asked by the flight attendant (F) or the passenger (P).______________________________________ 26      (B) Which of the questions in Exercise A are offers, and which are requests?                  ________________________________________________________27      (C) You are at a hotel reception desk. Use the verbs in brackets to make polite requests.      27      (D) CD2.43 Listen to requests in Exercise C to check._____________ 28      (E) CD2.43 Listen again. How does the other person reply?________ 28
1.2.6.      Complete exercises (A-E) on page 114 and (A-B) on page 117 of your Market Leader book.               29      (A) Complete these sentences with the present perfect form of the verbs in brackets. 29      (B) Match the job interview questions (1-5) to their answers (a-e).____ 29      (C) CD2.46 Now listen and check your answers._________________ 30      (D) Complete these interview questions using the present perfect form of the verbs in brackets.                  30      (E) Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in Exercise D._____ 30      (A) Read this profile about Martin Red’s career. Choose the past simple or the present perfect form of the verbs to complete it.________________________________________ 31      (B) Tick (“) the expressions below that you can use to complete this sentence.                  ________________________________________________________31
Activity 2 - Reading and listening___________________________________________ 32
2.1. Reading.____________________________________________________________ 32
2.1.1. Go over learning object 2 to get familiar with 6 tips to address readings and understand them better. Now put them into practice!______________________________________ 32
2.1.2. Develop exercises A to D on pages 99 and 100 of your Market Leader book (the exercises can be developed individually)._______________________________________________ 32      (A) Work in pairs. Ask and answer these questions._______________ 32      (B) Read the article on page 100 about Vittorio Colao._____________ 32      (C) Read the article again and answer these questions.____________ 33      (D) Find words in the article with these meanings.________________ 34
2.1.3.      Read article Lessons in cultural difference on page 108 of your Market Leader book.           34      (A) Do you agree with these statements?________________________ 35      (B) As you read the article below, think about this questions.________ 35      (C) Decide whether these statements about the article are true (T) or false (F). Correct the false ones.          36      (D) Work in pairs. Read the situation at the beginning of the article again (paragraph 1) and discuss these questions._______________________________________________ 36      (E) Find words in the article with these meanings.________________ 37      (F) Work in pairs. What practical advice would you give about studying or doing business in your country?______________________________________________________ 37
2.1.4.      Open your Market Leader book on page 115 and 116 read Helen Braoudakis profile, and develop exercises A to C._______________________________________________ 38      (A) Ask and answer these questions in small groups.______________ 38      (B) Look at Helen Braoudakis’s profile on a professional networking site on page 116.       38      (C) Decide whether these statements are true (T) or false (F). Correct the false.                  ________________________________________________________39
2.2.     Listening._______________________________________________________ 40
2.2.1. Open your Market Leader book on page 98 and develop exercises B to F on listening.   40 (B) CD2.27 Listen to the first part of an interview with Ros Pomeroy, a management consultant.                  40 (C) CD2.28 Listen to the second part of the interview.________________ 40 (D) CD2.29 Listen to the third part of the interview._________________ 40 (E) CD2.29 Listen again and complete this text.____________________ 41 (C) CD2.28 Listen to the final part of the interview.__________________ 41
2.2.2.      Go to page 106 of your Market Leader book and develop exercises A to E on listening.        42      (A) CD2.37 Listen to John’s story and answer these questions.______ 42      (B) CD2.38 Listen to Cameron’s story and answer these questions.__ 42      (C) CD2.39 Listen to Susan’s story and answer these questions._____ 43      (D) CD2.40-2.42 Listen to Liz, Jeremy and Ros talking about cultural mistakes.                  ________________________________________________________43      (E) It is easy to make mistakes in other cultures. What other examples do you know?          44
2.2.3.      Develop exercises A to C on page 115 of your Market Leader book.___ 44      (A) CD2.47 Listen to the first part of an interview with Liz Credé.____ 44      (B) CD2.48 Listen to the second part of the interview and decide whether these statements are true statements are true (T) or false (F). Correct the false ones.                  ________________________________________________________45      (C) CD2.49 Listen to the final part of the interview. Complete these notes on the advice that Liz gives.         45
2.2.4.      Check your answers by reading the audio scripts on pages 165, 166 and 167.               ___________________________________________________________45
2.2.5.      Open this video and answer the questions as follows in the Word file to be delivered:___________________________________________________________ 46
3.1.     Speaking and writing______________________________________________ 47
3.1.1.      Enter Forum 3 and follow the instructions to participate.____________ 47
3.1.2.      Meet a classmate online and go over Case Study 10 on page 103 of your Market Leader book. Then develop tasks 1 and 2.____________________________________________ 47      Discuss the various ways of choosing who will leave the company.___ 47      Decide on the best way to communicate your decision to.__________ 48
3.1.4.      Go over Learning Object 3 and get familiar with 10 tips for giving a great speech.     49
3.1.5.      Open your Market Leader book on page 111 and read Case Study 11. Record discussion of tasks 1 to 3.     50      Work in groups of four and choose a role.______________________ 50   Look at your role cards and prepare for the meeting._________________ 50   Meet and discuss Kate’s ideas. Decide what you will change and what will keep the same.         51
3.1.6.      Develop exercise D on page 116 of your Market Leader book. Add this exercise to the Word file to be delivered as Study Guide 4.________________________________________ 51      (D) Write a summary for a professional networking profile.________ 51
3.1.7.      Develop the writing activity on page 111.__________________________ 52
Activity 4 - Final project (Stage 3)___________________________________________ 54
4.1.     Final project (Stage 4)_____________________________________________ 54
4.1.1.      Work in the same groups of 3 or 4 people (of study guides 1, 2 and 3)._ 54
4.1.2.      As in Stage 1 you chose one Colombian company or an international company and you have been working on their background.__________________________________________ 54
4.1.3.      If you chose the Colombian company, now you have to set all the necessary aspects to create a new branch abroad.__________________________________________________ 54
4.1.4.      If you chose the international country, now you have to set all the necessary aspects to create a new branch in Colombia.______________________________________________ 54
Bibliográfia_____________________________________________________________ 56

Ilustración 1: Object 1______________________________________________________________ 18
Ilustration 2: Object 1-2____________________________________________________________ 18


Tabla 1: Exercise C, Pag. 105_______________________________________________________ 15
Tabla 2: Exercise E, Pag. 98_________________________________________________________ 21
Table 3: Exercise D, Pag. 101_______________________________________________________ 23
Tabla 4: Exercise B, Pag. 114_______________________________________________________ 29
Tabla 5: Exercise D, Pag. 106_______________________________________________________ 42
Tabla 6: Exercise 6, Pag. 111________________________________________________________ 51


The business in a changeable world, though we might have chosen for that of Introduction to the business in a green world since throughout the time we admit the importance that the to be supported and the "green" business possess. We think that, if it applies the philosophy of diminishing, re-using and recycling, any business can be more profitable and to contribute to a better world with his green initiatives. To install a branch in a different country brings many tasks that do that you adapt the new way of working to the culture of us people.


Activity 1 - Vocabulary and Grammar.

1.1.                       Vocabulary
OK (A) How do companies communicate with employees?

Companies currently have different forms of communication besides the traditional technological and social networks to support these.
What methods can you think of?
The methods they use include:
Email, cell, Meeting, text messaging, Skype, chat.

Company intranet – electronic – face to face – print – workplace

These days, companies are spending more time and money on improving internal communication. This is the communication which takes place inside an organization. Communication will be downwards (from managers to junior staff), upwards (from staff to managers) and across (between staff), as well as between individuals and groups of people. There are various channels which can be used. These can be divided into five main areas.
1.      Print: paper-based communication, e.g. magazines, newspapers, newsletters, letters, notes and messages.
2.      Face to face: direct contact with other people, e.g. one-to-one meetings, team meetings, forums, conferences, briefings.
3.      Workplace: physical objects in the working environment or workspace, e.g. notice boards, signs.
4.      Electronic: communication using computers, phones, televisions, etc., e.g. DVD, e-mail, voicemail, SMS messages, electronic newsletters, conference calls.
5.      Company intranet: using social media to create an internal community, e.g. posting profiles, writing blogs and wiki, starting discussion forums, etc. Many leaders write internal blogs. Employees may join chat rooms, forums or message boards to post ideas and comments or upload images and discuss with other employees around the world. They may also be able to download information from the intranet.
Improvements in communication lead to better-informed, happier and more motivated employees, who will become more loyal to their company.

1.      Move information from a network to a PC.
2.      Web page written by an individual.
3.      Put information from a PC onto a network (2 words).
4.      Methods of communication.
Forums, briefings
5.      Knowledge-sharing site
6.      Chances for people to discuss subjects
7.      Meetings write information or instructions are given.

 Complete these sentences with the items in brackets. One of the items in each section cannot be used.

Dress (uniforms / casual Fridays / weekend clothes)

Ø    We don’t have to wear business suits at the end of the week. My company has a system of casual Fridays.
Ø    In many banks, staff can`t wear what they like. They have to wear uniforms.
Timekeeping (flexitime / part-time / shift work)
Ø    For two weeks each month, I work at night, I work at night. I can’t sleep during the day. I hate part-time.
Ø    We have a shift work system in our office. Some people choose to work from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.; others work from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Time off (childcare / annual leave / public holiday)
Ø    I am so busy at the moment that I worked on New Year’s Day, which is a (n) public holiday.
Ø    How many days’ annual leave do you get in your company?
Reporting procedures (written report / face to face / e-mail)
Ø    We often speak on the phone, but never face to face.
Ø    He uploads a (n) written report on the company intranet each month.
Types of meeting (informal / formal / social)
Ø    Our department starts every day with a (n) informal meeting. It is very relaxed.
Ø    Companies have an Annual General Meeting (AGM) once a year. It is a very formal meeting, with a lot of people.
Names (job title / first name / family names)
Ø    In some countries, the company culture is formal. Staff use first name when they speak to each other.
Ø    What’s your job title now? Are you Chief Executive?

·         Uniforms?
Yes, if much clothing formal use would save.
·         A lot of formal meetings?
Yes, if normal.
·         Casual Fridays?
Yes, Causal meetings of good ideas emerge.
·         Flexible hours?
Yes, no pressures arrival.

A positive company culture …..
Tabla 1: Exercise C, Pag. 105
Empowers employees.
New ideas and change are welcome.
Supports innovation.
Relationships between employees and managers are open and honest.
Is customer focused?
Staff have a lot of control over their work.
Rewards good performance.
The needs and wants of the customers always come first.
Encourages trust at all levels.
There is an incentive scheme for efficient employees.

Cope with – develop – improve – increase – lead – set up – train
Are you the person we are looking for?
The Role
We are looking for a talented person for this position. In this exciting job, you will need to:
·           Lead a team of 25. (be in charge of)
·           Set up a new branch in Amsterdam. (start)
·           Train new staff. (teach)
·           Improve sales in all markets. (make more)
·           Increase new products. (create)
·           Develop communication between our head office and local branches. (make better)
·           Cope with strict deadlines and work well under pressure. (manage)

Deal with – manage – motive – organise – plan
The Person
In your present job, you:
·         Organise a large department in the clothing industry. (control)
·         Manage budgets. (think about the future)
·         Organise sales conferences and trade exhibitions. (arrange)
·         Deal with Customers, suppliers and their problems. (take action)
·         Plan Employees and sales teams to get the best results. (encourage)

In my present job, I lead a team of three.
In my present job, organize a department of design.

In my last job, I trained staff to use the new IT system.
In my last job, I was manage or driving the dept. of sales

1.1.5.      Go over learning object 1 and test what you have learnt on vocabulary.
Ilustración 1: Object 1

Ilustration 2: Object 1-2

1.2. Grammar

1.      Comes Max going to the meeting tomorrow? (come)
2.      No, he’s not in the office. He traveling on business all week. (travel)
3.      He comes not going to back until next Monday: (come)

I’m meeting (meet) Mr. Tamashiro next week. He is arriving (arrive) on Tuesday night. On Wednesday, I’m taking (take) him to the factory. I’m not seen (not see) him on Thursday but I’m driving (drive) him to the airport on Friday.

§  I`m attending a seminar on Friday morning.
§  I’m visiting friends at the weekend.
§  I medical appointment at the hospital on Friday.
§  Job interview Monday at 8a.m.
§  Tuesday visit a company for evaluation of staff

1.      The computers are very slow. What is we going to do about it?
2.      We are not going to buy new computers. I think it’s too expensive.
3.      We are going to upgrade the software instead.

 Decide whether these sentences about their plans are true (T) or false (F). Correct the false ones.
1.      Janine is going to change her job._________________________ (T)
2.      She is going to do a course. ______________________________ (T)
3.      She is going to go abroad for the summer holiday. ____________ (T)
4.      Patrick is going to change his job. _________________________ (T)
5.      He is going to move to a new house / flat. ___________________ (T )
6.      He is going to but a new car. _____________________________ (F)

Tabla 2: Exercise E, Pag. 98
Fixed arrangement for next week
Intentions for next year
Go away for the weekend
Change jobs --
Go on a business trip--
Do a course --
Attend a meeting --
Go abroad on holiday
Write a report / an essay --
Move to a new house / flat
Entertain business visitors.
Do more exercise --

I medical appointment at the hospital on Friday.

Job interview Monday at 8a.m.

Tuesday visit a company for evaluation of staff.

1.      Desk phones and desktop computer disappear in the next five years.
§  Desk phones and desktop computer will disappear in the next five years.
2.      Most companies will be open for business 24/7.
§  Most companies will not be open for business 24/7.
3.      As a result, it not be easy for staff to have a good work-life balance.
§  As a result, it will not be easy for staff to have a good work-life balance
4.      I will think most companies use social networking tools for internal communication.
§  I’ll think most companies use social networking tools for internal communication.
5.      In many big companies, video conferencing will replace face-to-face meetings.
§  In many big companies, video conferencing will not replace face-to-face meetings.
6.      As a result, manages no spend as much time travelling for work.
§  As a result, manages will not spend as much time travelling for work.
7.      I no think companies will use e-mail, except for external communication.
§  I no think companies will not use e-mail, except for external communication
Do you agree with the predictions?
Yes, well, many of the advances in technology will not replace the old methods

ü  Ah the intranet will occupy an important role in communications with external and internal customers, which would generate no paperwork.
ü  The cell will have to find a wider market and communications will be more practical.
ü  The messages left on the machine moved the other way of receiving and sending.

End of – five years’ – in the next – July – next – the day after – time – tomorrow
1.      Sales of luxury cars will double by next year.
2.      I’ll send you a copy of the report the day after morning.
3.      We’ll finish the work before the in the next June.
4.      I’ll be back in the office time tomorrow.
5.      We’ll finish the work on the new building next July.
6.      In two weeks ‘end of, we’ll review the budget.
7.      We will need to modernize our factory tomorrow two years.
8.      Most people will have a fast broadband connection at home in five years’ time.

Table 3: Exercise D, Pag. 101
I don’t have a hard copy of the report.
I’ll carry one for you.
I can’t find Sara’s address.
I’ll print it out for you.
I think it’s time to go home.
I’ll get a drink from the machine.
These boxes are so heavy.
I’ll give you a lift to the station.
I’m very thirsty.
I’ll e-mail it to you.

Offer to do as many things as possible. Give reasons. Use the list below and your own ideas.

ü  Inform the local media
ü  Design the invitations
ü  Send out the invitations
ü  Order snacks and drinks
ü  Make a welcome speech
ü  Give a presentation about the website
Ok, I’ll inform the local media. A friend of mine is a journalist. I’m sure she can help us.

Speak to our boss – buy an expensive computer system – be late – develop a better website – stay three days
1.      Our online business is bad.
We should develop a better website.
2.      Our team is working too many hours.
We should stay three days.
3.      The meeting is very important.
We should speak to our boss.
4.      She wants to visit a lot of customers in Spain.
She be late.
5.      We have to control our costs.
You should buy an expensive computer.

1.      I think he should get a salary increase.
I don’t think he should get a salary increase.
2.      I think we should launch the new product now.
I don’t think we should launch the new product now.
3.      She shouldn’t take customers to expensive restaurants.
I think she should take customers to expensive restaurants.
4.      We should take every customers complaint seriously.
We shouldn’t take every customers complaint seriously

5.      I think staff should fly economy on every trip.
I think staff shouldn’t fly economy on every trip

A: I’m going on a business trip. Do you have any advice?
B: You shouldn’t stay in an expensive hotel.
·         Stay in an expensive hotel.
·         Take plenty of business cards. “Xx
·         Arrange a lot of appointments on the same day.
·         Be late for appointments.
·         Write a short report after each meeting. “Xx
·         Keep all your receipts for travel and restaurants. “Xx

1.      Could I have another drink, please? _____________________________(P)
2.      Would you like a newspaper? __________________________________(F)
3.      Could you show me how to turn on the light, please? _______________ (F)
4.      Would you like another drink? _________________________________(P)
5.      Could I have some mineral water, please? _______________________ (P)
6.      Would you like coffee or tea? _________________________________ (F)
7.      Could you fasten your seat belt, please? ________________________ (F)
8.      Could you help me find the movie channel, please? _______________ (P)

1.      Could I have another drink, please? ______________________(Requests)
2.      Would you like a newspaper? ___________________________(Offers)
3.      Could you show me how to turn on the light, please? ________  (Requests)
4.      Would you like another drink? _________________________  (Offers)
5.      Could I have some mineral water, please? _______________  (Requests)
6.      Would you like coffee or tea? _________________________  (Offers)
7.      Could you fasten your seat belt, please? ________________  (Offers)
8.      Could you help me find the movie channel, please? _______ (Requests)

1.      You need a map of the city. (have)
Could I have a map of the city, please?
2.      You want to go to a good restaurant. (recommend)
Could you recommend a good restaurant, please?
3.      You didn’t hear that. (say)
Could you say that again, please?
4.      You want a photocopy of a document. (copy)
Could you copy this document for me, please?
5.      You want your bill. (have)
Could I have my bill, please?
6.      You want a taxi. (call)
Could you call want a taxi, please?


1-      A: Could I have a map of the city, please?
B: Yes, here you are.
2-      A: Could you recommend a good restaurant, please?
  B: Yes, there’s a very good Italian restaurant near here. It’s in Seymour Street.
3-      A: Could you say that again, please?
B: Yes, Seymour Street. I’ll show you where it is on the map
4-      A: Could you copy this document for me, please?
B: I’m sorry, I can’t. The office is closed in the evening, but I can do it for you tomorrow morning.
5-      A: Could I have my bill, please?
B: Yes, I’ll just will print it for you.
6-      A: Could you call want a taxi, please?
B: No problem. Where do you want to go?

Present Perfect

1.      I have given (give) two presentations this month.
2.      I have not send (not send) any e-mails today.
3.      He have change (change) jobs recently.
4.      Magda have to be (be) away on business all week.
5.      They have not (not have) any experience in negotiating.
Tabla 4: Exercise B, Pag. 114
How many jobs have you had since leaving university?
I now have more responsibility and I plan the sales strategy for the team.
Why have you change jobs so often?
Well, I lead the sales team. I’m also chairperson of a local business association.
What have you done that shows leadership?
I wanted to get experience of sales in different industries.
In what ways has your job changed since you joined the company?
Well, the boss in my last company wasn’t very easy to work with.
Have you ever worked with a difficult person?
I’ve worked for six companies.


Ø  How have you change (you change) over the last five years?
Ø  What software programs have you use (you use) recently?
Ø  What have you learn (you learn) from your other jobs?
Ø  What sort of problems have you (you have) to deal with?
Ø  What part of your job have you enjoy (you enjoy) the most?
Ø  Which countries have you visit (you visit) for work / study?

Past simple and present perfect

I think I had an interesting career. I have studied at Oxford University from 1997 to 2000. Then I applied for jobs abroad. I worked for jobs abroad. I have worked in Hong Kong for three years, and then I have come to Japan in January 2004. I was here for more than eight years and I still love it. I’ll never go back to the UK.
During my career, I did a number of different jobs, too. I have sold computer software in Hong Kong. I have taught English for my first year in Japan. Since then, I have run my own training company. It is very successful.

Mr. Kato has been very busy….

This week
Last week
Since Monday
Last month
Two weeks ago
For the last two weeks

Activity 2 - Reading and listening

2.1. Reading.

2.1.1. Go over learning object 2 to get familiar with 6 tips to address readings and understand them better. Now put them into practice!

2.1.2. Develop exercises A to D on pages 99 and 100 of your Market Leader book (the exercises can be developed individually).

Communication technology at work

1.      What mobile phone do you have?
Ø  I your mobile phone is Motorola in your work.
2.      How often do you use it each day?
Ø  Is an everyday tool.
3.      What do you mainly use it for?
Ø  I  use it for communication with my staff and heads
4.      Do you use that same mobile for business and private calls?
Ø  No, I have one for personal use
CEO of the mobile-phone company Vodafone. Do you find anything surprising in his use of communication technology?

No, I think it should be part of a way of life but with limits.

1.      How many mobile phones does Mr. Colao have?
Mr. Colao says that always carries two or three mobile phones with him
2.      What does he use these phones for?
-BlackBerry: I use the BlackBerry for Business e-mail and to swap SMS messages with colleagues.
- Samsung 360: I use the Samsung for social contact and to access Facebook.
3.      According to Mr. Colao, do executives use their mobiles more in northern or southern Europe?
Northern Europeans are more disciplined. They only use mobile when they need to.
4.      Why doesn’t he like video calling?
I don’t want to see people when I talk on the phone.
5.      How does he use these communication technologies?
Conference Calling: He is more positive about conference calling. “Conference calls are useful, especially for keeping up to date on projects.”
 Facebook: He only uses one social network: Facebook. “I don’t have time to use others,

1.      To exchange (paragraph 3)
I use the BlackBerry for Business e-mail and to swap SMS messages with colleagues. I use the Samsung for social contact and to access Facebook.
2.      To get into (paragraph 3)
Mr. Colao says that always carries two or three mobile phones with him. “Right now, I have a black-Berry, an iPhone and a Samsung 360,” he says. Behaving in a controlled way (paragraph 4)
Northern Europeans are more disciplined. They only use mobile when they need to.
3.      Someone who likes something very much (paragraph 5)
He is less enthusiastic about video calling: “I’m not fan and I don’t know many people of my age who are.

And develop exercises A to F (the exercises must be developed individually). Send these exercises in the Word file corresponding to Study Guide 4. DO NOT take photos of the pages and paste them on the Word file; you have to type these exercises (including the instructions). Cultural differences

1.      All meetings should have fixed start and finishing times.
I'm agree.
2.      Being on time is equally important in all situations.
I'm agree.
3.      It’s more important to learn about the culture of the country you do business with than to learn the language.
I do not agree.
4.      There’s no point having a detailed plan before you start a project. Things always change, and you need to be very flexible.
I'm agree.

What are two main causes of cultural misunderstanding between Brazil and China?
In addition to language problems, there is also a black of cultural understanding between the two countries.

1.                Brazil’s biggest trading partner today is the US.
________________________________________________________ (F)
It’s now China.
2.                At Chinbra, students spend most of the time learning Mandarin. _______________________________________________________ (T)
3.                Charles Tang thinks deals go wrong mainly because of language problems.______________________________________________ (T)
4.                For the Chinese, being on time is very important.
___________________________________________________ (T)
5.                Brazilians don’t give a lot of importance to planning.
____________________________________________________ (T)

1.      What happened?
The meeting that was scheduled at 9am started five minutes after the hosts because they were late.

3.      How do you think both sides felt about the situation?
They were very distressed because Brazilians are very punctual Chinese.
4.      For the next meeting with the Chinese, what could the Brazilians do differently?
Managing the Chinese culture and language in addition to its activities to contribute more to the meeting

1.      Planned (paragraph 1). Scheduled
2.      Very important and needing attention (paragraph 3).
Mainly work in the import business
3.      Problems (paragraph 3). Getting to know the culture is a priority.
4.      To be unsuccessful (paragraph 4). Misunderstood
5.      When there is not enough of something (paragraph 4). Understanding
6.      The last possible date for doing something (paragraph 5).
They like to plan everything in advance and in detail.

Discuss two or three of these points.
·         Appointments: Through this system we can exercise control over a process.
·         Planning and deadlines: In preparing this warranty objectives.
·         Meetings / seminars: To control the information they are required and must be continuous.
The exercises must be developed individually. Professional networking sites.
Ø  Do you have a profile on a professional networking website such as LinkedIn? Yes
If so, which on? How do you use it?
Ø  Does your company / university have a profile on a professional networking website? Yes
If so, which one?
Ø  Discuss how a professional networking site can help individuals and companies / educational institutions.
It can be useful for finding a job / getting new business.
Helps professionals to find a job with his profile relationship education (B) Look at Helen Braoudakis’s profile on a professional networking site on page 116.
Put these headings in the correct place on the profile.
Recruitment professional – Education – Specialties – Interests – Work experience – Professional summary.
1.      Recruitment professional.
2.      Work experience.
3.      Professional summary.
4.      Education.
5.      Specialties.
6.      Interests.

1.      Helen did her Master’s in HRM IN Melbourne. ___________________ (F)
2.      She has worked for the different companies. ______________________ (T)
3.      She has always worked in graduate recruitment. ___________________ (T)
4.      She has good communication skills. ____________________________ (T)
5.      When she was at ADM Consulting, she was responsible for organizing summer internships. _________________________________________ (T)
6.      She doesn’t have any experience outside Australia._________________ (T)
2.2.1. Open your Market Leader book on page 98 and develop exercises B to F on listening.
Networking online

Which of the social networking sites in Exercise A does she use?
                       LinkedIn and specialist professional networking.

Which two advantages and one disadvantage of social networking does Ros mention?
The main advantage for me, I think, has been being able to keep in touch with many more people in my professional field than I otherwise would be able to. I think also there have been times when I have made contact with people who are interested in the work that I do.
Who is the best communicator that Ros knows?
The best communicator I think is my ex-boss from about 15 years ago.
He always had a real passion for his subject – whatever he was talking about, he was talking. He made sure that he knew his subject. Very well, and the one thing that made a big difference, I think, is that when he spoke to an audience, he made that audience feel as if they were very important.
Make a note of whether Ros likes (L), does not like (NL) or does not mention (NM) these forms of communication.
1.      Letters ____________________________ (NM)
2.      Face to face ________________________ (L)
3.      E-mail ____________________________ (NM)
4.      Handwritten notes ___________________ (NM)
5.      Corporate newsletter _________________ (L)
6.      Corporate magazine __________________ (NM)
7.      Telephone calls _____________________ (NL)
Cultural mistakes

1.      What meal was John invited to?
a.      Dinner
2.      What did he look at?
a.      There was a long silence during the meal
3.      What was his mistakes?
a)      He talked during an important silence.
b)      He talked about his host’s table.
c)      He didn’t want a gift.
1.      Where was Peter’s new job?
a.      French company recently.
2.      What was his mistakes?
a)      He did not use first names?
b)      He did not speak French.
c)      He did not use family names
3.      How did the staff feel when Peter used first names?
a.      No use first name
1.      Where did Susan make her mistake?
a-      I didn’t wait for somebody to pour my drink, and I forgot to pour drinks for the others.
2.      Who did she go out for a meal with?
a-      We went out for a meal with our Japanese sales staff
3.      What was her mistake?
d)     She poured her own drink.
e)      She did not laugh.
f)       She poured too many drinks.
4.      What did she forget to do?
a-      I forgot to pour drinks for the others

Tabla 5: Exercise D, Pag. 106
Which speaker…..
Was working in East Africa?


Was working with a Dutch colleague?

Got straight down to business?


Writes long e-mails?

Often adds funny comments in e-mails?


Thought a colleague was abrupt and rude?

-          When you visit a place and is not what you should do.
-          Respect for private places.

My ideal job
An organization development consultant. In pairs, take notes on what she says about:
1.      Her current job
I lead management consultancy of 35 consultancy.
2.      A job she had over 20 years ago.
Is company treated people very well.
Then compare your notes with your partner’s
1.      Her strengths come from her work as a CEO over the last 20 years. (T)
2.      She understands how organizations work by studying them closely. (T)
3.      She can see a situation from many different sides._____________  (F)
4.      She finds it easy to make decisions. _________________________ (T)

·         Take the opportunities that you are given and really learn as much as you can from them.
·         Really listen to those around you and pay attention to what they are saying.
·         Build relationships across the organisation.
·         Ask a question that demonstrates you’re really interested in the company.


2.2.5.      Open this video and answer the questions as follows in the Word file to be delivered:
ü  Which types of cross-cultural problems does the video address?
      The way he gives the orders and requests.
      The language used is unclear for employees.
      Information about the business of trying this.
ü  What is Miguel’s boss demanding in such a desperate way?
      Crashes, does not speak for fear of being fired.
ü  Why cannot Carlos deliver the documents to his boss immediately?
      because the documents do not exist and is not legal
ü  According to the presenter, what is the project compared with?
      They interact watch for the problems that arise from cultural stereotyping to an effective communication. 
ü  According to Miguel, what are the main problems of working with Ms. Jones?
      It's bad temper, do not know to ask for things, and not reported what the business needs.
ü  Which solution does Miguel propose to work with Ms. Jones?
      Very easy for me to avoid problems it’s better to be specific ok.
      Our country wants to build its industry our government is protecting the companies which make equipment I makes a very difficult

ü  According to Carlos, what are the main problems of working with Ms. Jones?
      What you would instead lies more designs that the total Royce silenced things Isles bottled it is to all our body language we show our strength on and are replaced.
ü Which solution does Carlos propose to work with Ms. Jones?
      As my people said utilities their world on his own we are very proud of the fact that we have little corruption o was burns told him to assume that we’re like another court orders because we both speak Spanish my would see you

Activity 3 - Speaking and Writing
Tasks -Blakelock Engineering: A company has some bad news to communicate.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of each way?
-         We could simply reduce each department by 10 workers.
-          Then we can hope the other 20 employees will want to leave for various       reason.
-          We ask employees who joined the company recently to leave.

Which way is the best?
-          We could simply reduce each department by 10 workers.

a)      The staff: through an internal memo or email.
b)      The shareholders: through a council meeting.
Say who should communicate your decision.
Communication of the decision must be made by the manager regularly.
3.1.3.      Go over Learning Object 3 and get familiar with 10 tips for giving a great speech. 
Put them into practice and be ready for the face to face final session at the university!
The best speakers
b)      Introduction: The best speakers include a clear, relevant message and a few great stories to illustrate it. Here you have ten great tips for improving your speech.
c)      Practice beforehand: Practice pout loud and do you best to replace deadening filler words like “um,” “so” and “like” with silence.
d)     Work the room: try get familiar with audience members before your speech so that you will focus on friendly faces-even more if you are attacked by your nervous.
e)      Prepare with relaxation techniques: If you are nervous take a few minutes to deeply breath.
f)       Don`t to your audience from your heart; avoid reading your speech.
g)      Stand up straight: Do you best to keep good posture.
h)      Lead with an anecdote: Tell a story at the beginning to catch people’s attention.
i)        Keep it short: Long speeches can make people get bored. Remember having time for questions and opinions.
j)        Keep it simple: Best speeches include clear, relevant messages and a few great stories to illustrate those messages.
k)      Use body language that makes you appear comfortable: Avoid sings of nervousness; people can perceive it.
l)        Slow down: Always articulate your words-no matter your natural speaking style.

Use or record the meeting, and then paste the link on the Word file to be delivered indicating the names of team members. Important: this exercise must be developed in groups of four.
Tasks –The wind of change: A manager wants to bring in new ideas and change the company culture.
Kate and Stuart meet some of the senior staff to discuss the ideas for a new company culture.

The necessary ideas to coordinate a change of culture in a company it begins for:
Ø  Staff will enjoy to dwells relaxed, informal atmosphere.
Ø  Staff will dwells motivated and will work better ace to team.
Ø  Branch scullery will keep dwells staff the working hours ploughs flexible.

Use the example summary above. Include information about your experience, qualifications, skills and personal qualities.
Recruitment professional
Bogotá, Colombia.
Current: Graduate Mechanical Engineers,
Past: Graduate Mechanical Engineers, Bogotá.
Education: UDFJC University, Bogotá: Master’s in Projects  Management
Recommendation: 20 people have recommended Julian
Connections: 110
Work experience.
I am graduate specialist in tooling design. I have over ten years ‘experience in the industry.  I also have excellent planning and organizational skills.

Professional summary.
Graduate planning, project management, presenting, interviewing, Education.
Graduate Recruitment Manager
Bogota, Colombia October 2004
·         Developed new in tooling design.
Write the action minutes (not exceeding one page long) as indicated in the text book. Finally, include this writing activity in your Word file to be delivered (please do not paste texts as images; type them).
Far Eastern traders. Subject: New ideas from head office. Date
Tabla 6: Exercise 6, Pag. 111
Agenda item
Staff to dress casually on Fridays only.
Shorter meetings are a good idea.
A more relaxed, informal style will help the company’s image.
Hot-desking will be good because it reduces office costs.
The staff prefer a formal style of management.
A flexitime system will be popular with staff.
Staff should dress casually at work.
An ‘open-door’ policy is an excellent idea.

Activity 4 - Final project (Stage 3)

Now you have to bring new and innovative ideas to adapt company culture in a new country.

You should select the country and look for relevant information regarding the country. Remember that each country has its particular behaviors and manners so that you should take them into consideration for your new branch. Now, design all the strategy to start up the new branch.

You should look for relevant information regarding Colombia. Remember that each country has its particular behaviors and manners so that you should take them into consideration for your new branch. Now, design all the strategy to start up the new branch.




David Colton, D. F. (2014). Elementary Market Leader Business English Course Book. Pearson.
English, B. N. (2004-2013). Obtenido de
from:, E. T. (Dirección). (2010). Replacements Ltd [Película].
travel, B. A. (Dirección). (2011). Luxembourg fro bussiness [Película].


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