miércoles, 28 de mayo de 2014

Bussines English 3




INTRODUCTION________________________________________________________________ 10
Activities_________________________________________________________________________ 11
Activity 1 - Vocabulary and Grammar______________________________________________ 11
1.1. Vocabulary________________________________________________________ 11
1.1.1. Develop the activities proposed in Tell me more for this section. Go to http://www.tellmemorecampus.com/___________________________________ 11
1.1.2. Open your Market Leader book on page 67 and develop exercises A to C on Describing People.               11 (A). Match the statements (1-10) to the adjectives (a-j)._______________ 11 (B). Use adjectives from Exercise A to complete this human-resources report.   12 (C). Look again at the adjectives in Exercise A.____________________ 12
1.1.3. Now open your Market Leader book on page 75 and develop exercises A to E on Advertising and Markets. 13 (A). CD2.9. Listen and repeat these numbers.______________________ 13 (B). CD2.10. Listen to part of a sales presentation and underline the correct number in each sentence.   13 (C).  Match the beginnings of the sentences (1-5) with their endings (a-e). 14 (D). In pairs, think of products which match the types of market in Exercise C. 14 (E). Which medium is the best way to advertise these products?________ 14
1.1.4. On page 83 of your Market Leader book, develop exercises A to C on describing companies.   15 (A). The sentences below describe two companies, Dalotek and Green Shoots.  15 (B). Underline the verbs or verb phrases which mean the same thing in each pair of sentences in the chart in Exercise A._________________________________________________ 16 (C). Use the verbs you underlined in Exercise B to complete this company profile.        16
1.1.5. Go over learning object 1 and test what you have learnt on vocabulary.__ 17
1.2. Grammar._________________________________________________________ 18
1.2.1. Develop the activities proposed in Tell me more for this section. Go to http://www.tellmemorecampus.com/.__________________________________ 18
1.2.2. Open your Market Leader book on page 68: Develop exercises A to E of Language Focus 1. Past simple: negatives and questions._________________________________________ 18 (A). Put these words in the right order to make sentences about problems at work.        18 (B). CD2.4. Listen to a conversation to check your answers.___________ 18 (C). Correct one mistake in each line of this message.________________ 19 (D). Complete these questions with did, was or were._________________ 19 (E). Read the extract below. Then write questions using each of the words from the box.         19 (F). Work in pairs. Ask your partner questions about his / her past studies and / or jobs.           20
1.2.3. Open your Market Leader book on page 70: Develop exercises A to G of Language Focus 2. Question forms.______________________________________________________ 20 (A). Discuss these questions in pairs._____________________________ 20 (B). Read this article (ignoring the missing information)._____________ 20 (C). CD2.5. Listen and check the questions you wrote._______________ 23 (D). Answer the questions in the quiz above and use your answers to complete the article on page 70.             23 (E). CD2.6. Now listens and checks your answers.__________________ 23 (F). Work in pairs. Take it in turns to choose five questions from the quiz and ‘test’ your partner.                  23 (G). Complete these sentences. Give true information about yourself.___ 23 (H). Work in pairs. Tell each other your true sentences. Ask as many follow-up questions as you can.           23
1.2.4. Now go over exercises A to F on pages 77 and 78 of your Market Leader book about Comparatives and Superlatives._____________________________________________________ 24 (A). CD2.11. Write the comparative forms of these adjectives. Then listen to check how they are pronounced._______________________________________________________ 24 (B). Look at this chart. Decide whether the sentences below are true (T) or (F). Correct the false ones.          24 (C). Complete these sentences about the cars in Exercise B. Use the comparative form of the adjectives in brackets.________________________________________________ 25 (D). Complete these conversations. Use the superlative form of the adjectives.    26 (E). Which is best car for each of these people? Choose a car from Exercise B. 26 (F). Work in pairs. Explain your choice to your partner.______________ 27
1.2.5. Develop exercises A to D on page 79. Of your Market Leader book about much/a lot, a little/a bit.               27 (A). Look at this chart. What does it show?________________________ 27 (B). Complete these sentences about the chart.______________________ 27 (C). Compare Toptek’s advertising spend in 2010 and 2011. Talk about these points.    27 (D). Compare these two pool tables using much, a lot, a little and a big._ 28
1.2.6. Complete exercises A and B on pages 84 and 85 and A to C on pages 86 and 87 of your Market Leader book.________________________________________________________ 28 (A). Complete these sentences with the present continuous form of the verbs in brackets.         28 (B). Work in pairs. Ask and answer these two questions.______________ 29 (B). Choose either the present simple or the present continuous form of the verb to complete these sentences.  30 (C). Complete this article with the present simple or the present continuous form of the verbs in brackets.    31
Activity 2 - Reading and listening___________________________________________________ 32
2.1 Reading___________________________________________________________ 32
2.1.1. Develop exercises A to E on page 69 of your Market Leader book._______ 32 (A). Before you read the article below, discuss these questions._______ 32 (B). As you read the article, make quick notes to complete the profile of Andrea Jung on the left.                  32 (C). Decide whether these statements are true (T) or false (F). Correct the false ones.   33        (D). Find words or phrases in the article with these meanings.______ 33        (E). Work in pairs. Imagine you going to interview Andrea Jung. Write five questions that you would like to ask her.________________________________________________ 34
2.1.2. Read article Volkswagen’s Black Beetle ad on page 76 of your Market Leader book and develop exercises A to D.______________________________________________________ 34        (A). Before you read the article below, discuss these questions.______ 34        (B). As you read the article, think about these questions.___________ 35        (C). Choose the best option to complete these sentences.___________ 35        (D). In each box, match the words from the article to make word partnerships.        35
2.1.3. Open your Market Leader book on page 85._________________________ 36        (A). Discuss these questions._________________________________ 36        (B). Before you read the article, match the words and phrases (1-6) to their meanings (a-f).                  36        (C). Read this article about a company in the wind-energy business.__ 37        (D). Complete this fact file.___________________________________ 37        (E). Work pairs.___________________________________________ 38        (F). Work in Pairs. In each box, match words and phrases from the articles on Gamesa to make word partnerships.__________________________________________________ 39
2.2.       Listening________________________________________________________ 40
2.2.1. Go over learning object 2 to get familiar with 7 tips to improve listening skills. Now put them into practice!____________________________________________________________ 40
2.2.2. Open your Market Leader book on page 67 and develop exercises A to C on listening.   41 (A). CD2.1. Ros Pomeroy, a management consultant, talks about the people she likes to work with.          41 (B). CD2.2. Listen to the second part of the interview and answer these questions. _________________________________________________________41        (C). CD2.3. Listen and complete the final part of the interview.______ 42
2.2.3.        Go to page 78 of your Market Leader book and develop exercises A to F on listening (all exercises must be developed individually).________________________________________ 42        (A). In pairs, discuss these questions.___________________________ 42        (B). CD2.12. Listen to the first part of an interview with Liz Credé.___ 43        (C). CD2.12. Listen again and answer these questions.____________ 43        (D). CD2.13. In the second part of the interview, Liz Credé talks about what makes an advert really effective. Listen and complete this extract.___________________________ 43        (E). In pairs, think of four ways to complete this sentence.__________ 44        (F). CD2.14. Listen to the final part of an interview and complete the sentence in Exercise E for Liz Credé.  44
2.2.4.        Develop exercises A to C on page 84 of your Market Leader book.____ 44        (A). CD2.17. Jeremy Keeley._________________________________ 44        (B). CD2.18. Listen to the second part of the interview and answer these questions. 45        (C). CD2.19. Listen to the final part. What are these companies famous for? _____________________________________________________________46
2.2.5.        Check your answers by reading the audio scripts on pages 163, 164 and 165. _______________________________________________________________46
2.2.6.        Open this video http://goo.gl/3k5ey1 and answer the questions as follows in the Word file to be delivered:___________________________________________________________ 46
Activity 3 - Speaking and Writing__________________________________________________ 49
3.1.       Speaking and writing______________________________________________ 49
3.1.1.        Enter Forum and follow the instructions to participate.____________ 49
3.1.2.        Meet a classmate online and go over case study 7 on page 73 of your Market Leader book. Then develop task 1._______________________________________________________ 49
3.1.3.        Develop exercise E on page 76 of your Market Leader book. Write your conclusions.           50        (E). Work in pairs. Each choose a TV advertisement you like._______ 50
3.1.4.        Open your Market Leader book on page 89 and read case study 9. Record discussion of Tasks 1 to 4.        50
3.1.5.        Go over Learning Object 3 and get familiar with punctuation marks (part 2). ____________________________________________________________52
Activity 4 - Final project (Stage 3)__________________________________________________ 57
4.1.       Final Project (Stage 3)_____________________________________________ 57
4.1.1.        Work in the same groups of 3 or 4 people (of study guides 1 and 2).___ 57
4.1.2.        As in Stage 1 you chose one Colombian company or an international company.          57
4.1.3.        Look for information of the company you chose in step 2 above.______ 57
4.1.4.        Finally create a diagram comparing both companies.________________ 57
4.2.       Put this information in your blog and paste the link of your blog on the Word file. __________________________________________________________________58
Bibliográfia_______________________________________________________________________ 59


Table 1: Exercise A, pág. 67________________________________________________________ 10
Table 2: Exercise A, Pág. 75________________________________________________________ 12
Table 3: Exercise 3, Pág. 75_________________________________________________________ 13
Table 4: Exercise 4E_______________________________________________________________ 14
Table 5: Exercise 1, Pág. 83_________________________________________________________ 14
Table 6: Exercise 2, Pág. 83_________________________________________________________ 15
Table 7: Exercise 4, Pag. 85_________________________________________________________ 36
Table 8: Exercise 6, pág. 85_________________________________________________________ 38


The expansive process and indetenible of the globalization, It has forced the businessmen to be formed in his commercial and negotiating capacity with the exterior world. Nevertheless, it is important that not only they are immersed in this subject matter; his people of work, or that one that is qualified for it, also should have access to the most significant aspects of the exterior trade, the logistics, the impact that this involves in the organization and up to the legal aspects related to the international business.


Activity 1 - Vocabulary and Grammar

1.1.1. Develop the activities proposed in Tell me more for this section. Go to http://www.tellmemorecampus.com/

1.1.2. Open your Market Leader book on page 67 and develop exercises A to C on Describing People. (A). Match the statements (1-10) to the adjectives (a-j).

Table 1: Exercise A, pág. 67
They are
Like to spend time other people.
Want to reach the top in their career.
Have a lot of new ideas.
Do what they promise to do. 
Are usually calm
Spend a lot of time doing a good job.
Like to be on time.
Encourage other people to work well.
Are good at making things work.
Like to do things for other people.
Reliable. (B). Use adjectives from Exercise A to complete this human-resources report.

Maria Karlsson
Maria is good in a team and she gets on well with her colleagues. She is extremely sociable. She is never late for meetings – she is always punctual. She is very creative, she always meets deadlines. She is the office at 8:00a.m. Every day and usually stays late, so she is very hard-working. Her boss says this is very sociable to others. Her colleagues have a lot of respect for her work and attitude.
She is also a very creative person with a lot of good ideas for the future of the company. (C). Look again at the adjectives in Exercise A.

Which do you think are the three most important for a) a boss; b) a colleague in team? Discuss your answers with a partner.
I think a hard-working boss is important.
I like to work with ambitious people. They give me energy.
a)      I think a creative, motivating and practical, because the head should be 70% hard work and 30% person.
b)      I think a reliable, punctual and helpful, because friendship requires delivery on all causes.

1.1.3. Now open your Market Leader book on page 75 and develop exercises A to E on Advertising and Markets. (A). CD2.9. Listen and repeat these numbers.

Table 2: Exercise A, Pág. 75
Six thousand, three hundred
Seventy-five thousand, eight hundred and seven
Eight hundred and twenty-three-three thousand, one
hundred and twenty
One million, two hundred and fifty-five thousand,
five hundred
Ten point five per cent (B). CD2.10. Listen to part of a sales presentation and underline the correct number in each sentence.

1. Last year, the company had a marked share of 10.3 / 103 per cent.
2. Last year, for the launch of Sparkle lite, the advertising budget increased by 30 / 13 per cent.
3. Last year, the company sold more than 850,000 / 815,000 units of Sparkle.
4. The new advertising campaign cost $90,000 / $900,000.
5. The company wants to increase its market share to 11.5 / 11.9 per cent.
6. Next year, the company wants to sell 210,000 / 2,100,000 units of Sparkle (C).  Match the beginnings of the sentences (1-5) with their endings (a-e).

Table 3: Exercise 3, Pág. 75
Coca-Cola is a mass-market product; it
Is a small but often profitable market
Selling special-interest holidays is a niche market; it
Is outside the producer`s country.
Rolex watches sell in a luxury market; they are
Is in the producer’s country.
An export market
High-quality and expensive goods.
A home market
Sells to large numbers of people. (D). In pairs, think of products which match the types of market in Exercise C.

Nike shoes sell to a mass market.
Ferrari sports cars are a luxury-market product.
Adidas sports an export market.
Hat vueltiao is a home market.
Eat fast is niche market. (E). Which medium is the best way to advertise these products?

(Or the ones you discussed in Exercise D)? Choose from the list below. Discuss your ideas with a partner.
A smartphone ---- a perfume ---- a health magazine ---- a sports car --- A new chocolate bar

Table 4: Exercise 4E
Newspapers / magazines (the press)
A smartphone, a sports car, A new chocolate bar, a perfume and a health magazine.
Online / internet ads
A smartphone, a sports car, A new chocolate bar.
Billboards / hoardings
A smartphone, a sports car, A new chocolate bar, a perfume and a health magazine
TV / radio commercials
A smartphone, a sports car, A new chocolate bar, a perfume and a health magazine
Mobile ads

Leaflets / flyers
A smartphone, a sports car, A new chocolate bar, a perfume and a health magazine
Free samples
 A new chocolate bar, a perfume and a health magazine

1.1.4. On page 83 of your Market Leader book, develop exercises A to C on describing companies. (A). The sentences below describe two companies, Dalotek and Green Shoots.

Choose pairs of sentences which describe similar things and write them in the correct column of this chart.
Table 5: Exercise 1, Pág. 83
A large car-parts company
Green Shoots
A small garden-products company
John Smith started Dalotek in 1960
George and Jams Hawkins began
Green Shoots in the 1920s.
It has a workforce of 2,500.
It employs about 35 people.
Dalotek exports to over 12 countries.
Green Shoots sells some of its products abroad.
Dalotek provides components for the car industry.
Green Shoots supplies the gardening industry
It manufactures car parts.
It launches 12 new products a year.
It introduces one or two new components each year.
It makes garden products.

Table 6: Exercise 2, Pág. 83
A large car-parts company
Green Shoots
A small garden-products company
John Smith started Dalotek in 1960
George and Jams Hawkins began
Green Shoots in the 1920s.
It has a workforce of 2,500.
It employs about 35 people.
Dalotek exports to over 12 countries.
Green Shoots sells some of its products abroad.
Dalotek provides components for the car industry.
Green Shoots supplies the gardening industry
It manufactures car parts.
It launches 12 new products a year.
It introduces one or two new components each year.
It makes garden products. (C). Use the verbs you underlined in Exercise B to complete this company profile.

GNK Services
GNK Services began in 1989 when Dieter Norland left his job as an engineer in the computer industry. The company sells high-tech security alarms and exports its products all over the world. It employs 150 people at its factory near Rotterdam, although the company’s head office is in Amsterdam and workforce a staff of 20. The company launches a number of new products each year. GNK Services provides products to the security industry and makes domestic alarms for the general public.

1.1.5. Go over learning object 1 and test what you have learnt on vocabulary.

Ø  A Motivated: person is a person who has been granted an incentive.
Ø  An Ambitious: person has great desires.
Ø  A relaxed: person is free from strain or tension.
Ø  A Sociable person is pleasant, friendly, and affable.
Ø  A Reliable: person is capable of being relied on.
Ø  A Creative: person is characterized by originality.
Ø  A mass-market product: refers to a product sold to large numbers of people.
Ø  A luxury market: sells high-quality and expensive goods.
Ø  A home market: is in the producer`s country.
Ø  A niche market: is a small but profitable market.
Ø  Workface: refers to workers employed in a specific project or activity.
Ø  Manufactures: are People, companies or entities that manufacture something.
Ø  Supplies: refer to amounts of materials or provisions stored and dispensed when needed.

1.2. Grammar.

1.2.1. Develop the activities proposed in Tell me more for this section. Go to http://www.tellmemorecampus.com/.


1.2.2. Open your Market Leader book on page 68: Develop exercises A to E of Language Focus 1. Past simple: negatives and questions. (A). Put these words in the right order to make sentences about problems at work.

ü  The deadlines / the projects / weren`t / for / realistic
v  The deadlines for the projects weren`t realistic.
ü  Most people / the office / didn’t / leave / until 8 p. m.
v  Most people didn’t leave the office until.8 p. m.
ü  a / manager / good / wasn’t / she
v  She wasn’t a good manager.
ü  on time / start / meetings / didn’t
v  Meetings didn’t start on time.
ü  didn’t / she / to motivate / know / the staff / how
v  She didn’t know how to motivate the staff (B). CD2.4. Listen to a conversation to check your answers.

Heard. (C). Correct one mistake in each line of this message.

Table 1: Exercise 3, Pag.68
Maris, I`m sorry. I’m having a bad day. I didn’t sent the report.
Out, and I not check the figures. I didn’t get to the bank.
On time, and I didn’t phoned the suppliers. I tried to call you.
This morning, but you not answer. I think I need to go home.
you (D). Complete these questions with did, was or were.

*      Was he an efficient manger?
*      When did you born?
*      When did Ania start to work for IBM?
*      Why was Marcus change jobs?
*      Where were your next job? (E). Read the extract below. Then write questions using each of the words from the box.

Why    How long    What     When    Where
Danielle grew up in Geneva. She studied engineering at university in Paris.
Then she worked for Renault for four years, from 2004 until 2008. She left Renault because she wanted to do an MBA. She did an MBA at the Harvard Business School in 2009. Her next job was with GE.
ü  Where did Danielle grow up?
ü  What Danielle study in the University?
ü  When he left to study your MBA Renault Danielle?
ü  How long I work on Renault Daniel?
ü  Why I quit Renault Daniel? (F). Work in pairs. Ask your partner questions about his / her past studies and / or jobs.

ü  In which college he graduated?
ü  What studies have more?
ü  Where you work?
ü     When you work there?

1.2.3. Open your Market Leader book on page 70: Develop exercises A to G of Language Focus 2. Question forms. (A). Discuss these questions in pairs.

o   What was Steve Job’s greatest success?
ü  The greatest success was entering apple jobs and generates new expectations and ideas to take new directions.
o   What made him successful?
ü  Carry the company to new strategies and set it as one of the best in addition to acquire other technology with a similar profile. (B). Read this article (ignoring the missing information).

Then write the questions to complete the quiz on page 71. Use the article to help you.
Barack Obama described Steve Jobs as ‘one of the greatest American innovators’. This is his story. He was born on February 24, 1955, In California.
In 1976, after dropping out of college, Jobs started Apple with His friend Steve Wozniak. The company quickly became successful. In 1984, Apple introduced the famous Macintosh computer. The following year, in 1985, Jobs left Apple because of disagreements with the CEO, John Sculley.
After leaving Apple, Jobs set up a new computer company called NeXT. He also bought a company called Pixar. It specialized in Computer animation.
Jobs married his wife, Laurene, at a Zen Buddhist ceremony in 1991. The couple had three children.
The early nineties were difficult years for Apple, and the company soon wanted Jobs back. In December 1996, Apple bought Jobs’s company NeXT. Apple paid $400m for it. Jobs returned to Apple and in 1997 became the CEO. Under his leadership, Jobs turned the company around, with innovative products such products such as the iMac, iPod, iPhone and iPad. In August 2011, after a long period of illness, Steve Jobs resigned as Apple’s CEO. He died two months later at the at the age of 56. Tim Cook is Apple`s new CEO. In this time at Apple, Steve Jobs created the most valuables technology company in the world. Today, it employs more than 46,500 people worldwide.
1.      Where was Steve Jobs born?
a.      In California       b. In Portland, Oregon       c. In Chicago
2.      Who did Job start Apple with?
a. A manager at Hewlett Packard       b. His father       c. His friend Steve Wozniak
3.      Who did Apple introduce the famous Macintosh computer?
b.      In 1980       c. In 1982       d. In 1984
4.      Why did Jobs leave Apple?
c.       Bad health.       d. a great job offer       e. disagreements with the CEO, John Sculley.
5.      What did Pixar specialize?
d.      Music       e. Computer animation       f. Computer software
6.      Who did Jobs marry?
e.       Merlinda       f. Patricia       g. Laurene
7.      How much did Apple pay for NeXT?
f.        $400m       g. $200m       h. $600m
8.      When did Steve Jobs resign as CEO of Apple?
g.      March 2011       h. August 2011       i. October 2011
9.      How old was Steve Jobs when he died?
h.      50       i. 56       j. 65
10.  Who Apple’s new CEO?
i.        Tim Cook       k. Jonathan Ive       l. Phil Schiller
11.  How many people does Apple employ worldwide?
More than………..
j.        20,000.       b. 57,000.       c. 46,500, (C). CD2.5. Listen and check the questions you wrote. (D). Answer the questions in the quiz above and use your answers to complete the article on page 70. (E). CD2.6. Now listens and checks your answers. (F). Work in pairs. Take it in turns to choose five questions from the quiz and ‘test’ your partner.

Help with answers if necessary. (G). Complete these sentences. Give true information about yourself.

ü  Last year, I bought a new camera.
ü  Yesterday, I was In Roma.
ü  Last summer, I was in France.
ü  When I was a child, I went to India. (H). Work in pairs. Tell each other your true sentences. Ask as many follow-up questions as you can.

ü  A: Last year, I bought a new camera.
B: What make was it? / Where did you buy it? / How much did it cost?
ü  A: Yesterday, I was In Roma.
B:  What sites I visit? / In Which hotel he stayed? / How long did you stay?
ü  A: Last summer, I was in France.
B: What did in that country? / Where you stay? / How long did you stay?
ü  A: When I was a child, I went to India.
B: What make was it? / Where did you buy it? / How much did it cost?

1.2.4. Now go over exercises A to F on pages 77 and 78 of your Market Leader book about Comparatives and Superlatives. (A). CD2.11. Write the comparative forms of these adjectives. Then listen to check how they are pronounced.

1.      Small ________ Smaller
2.      Fast _________ Faster
3.      Slow ________ Slower
4.      High ________ Higher
5.      Bad _________ Worse
6.      Good ________ Better
7.      Competitive __­­­_ More competitive
8.      Efficient _____ More efficient
9.      Interesting ___ More interesting (B). Look at this chart. Decide whether the sentences below are true (T) or (F). Correct the false ones.

Table 2: Exercise 2, Pág. 77

VW Passat
Mazda MX-5
Mini Hatchback
Engine size
2.0 litre
1.8 litre
1.6 litre
Maximum speed
195 kph
195 kph
203 kph
Petrol consumption
4.6 litre/100 km
7.3 litre/100 km
5.4 litre/100 km
Luggage compartment
566 litres
150 litres
160 litres
4,769 mm
4,020 mm
3,699 mm
1.      The Mazda is a faster car than the Mini.__________________________ F
The Mini is a faster car than the Mazda
2.      The Mazda has a smaller luggage compartment than the Mini.________ V
3.      The Mini has better petrol consumption than the Passat._____________ V
4.      The Mazda is more expensive than the Passat._____________________ V
5.      The Passat is more practical for a family than the Mini._____________ V

1.      I think the Mazda is a more stylish car than the Mini. (stylish)
2.      The Passat has a more powerful engine than the Mazda. (powerful)
3.      Compared to the Passat, the Mini is easier to park in small spaces. (easy)
4.      The Passat is cheaper to run cheaper the Mazda. (cheap)
5.      The Passat is a more spacious car than the Mini. (spacious) (D). Complete these conversations. Use the superlative form of the adjectives.

1.      A: Advertising on primetime TV is expensive.
B: Yes, it’s the most expensive time of the day to show an advert.
2.      A: Nike’s ‘Write the future’ commercial was very good.
B: Yes, I think it is best commercial in 2010.
3.      A: 2009 was a bad year for the advertising industry.
B: Yes, it is worst year I can remember.
4.      A: China has a very high number of internet users.
B: Yes, it is very higher number of users in the world. (E). Which is best car for each of these people? Choose a car from Exercise B.

Stefan: I have a wife and three children. We drive a lot to visit relatives at weekends.
They choose the Mazda MX-5 car
Sophie: I have a company car, but I want a fun car to drive at the weekends. I live in Paris, so parking isn’t easy.
He choose the VM Passat car
Petra: I need a car to take my six-year-old son to school and for local shopping. I don’t want a car that is expensive to run.
She choose the Mini Hatchback car (F). Work in pairs. Explain your choice to your partner.

I think the Mini Hatchback is the best car for choose It`s cheaper to run than the others. It’s also the smallest car, so it’s easy to park in town.

1.2.5. Develop exercises A to D on page 79. Of your Market Leader book about much/a lot, a little/a bit. (A). Look at this chart. What does it show? (B). Complete these sentences about the chart.

1.      In 2010, Toptek spent most of its most of its advertising budget on TV.
2.      The amount it spent on TV advertising was 30% lower in 2011.
3.      In 2010, the spend on outdoor advertising was a 3% higher than in 2011.
4.      Toptek spent most of the budget on Internet advertising in 2011. (C). Compare Toptek’s advertising spend in 2010 and 2011. Talk about these points.

1.      In 2010, Toptek spent about 15 per cent of its budget on internet on internet advertising. The amount it spent it spent in 2011 was much higher.
2.      Internet Advertising: In 2011 it invested more in internet in 2010 as the internet boom I They are thus at this time
3.      Print Advertising: In 2010 more publicity in 2011 because the market was higher writing was printed.
4.      Radio Advertising: In 2010 and 2011 participation in radio is the lowest since the radio item loses some credibility with respect to products. (D). Compare these two pool tables using much, a lot, a little and a big.

Table 3: Exercise 4, pág. 79

Trainer pool
Classic pool
93 cm
95 cm
176 cm
180 cm
78 cm
80 cm
25 kg
50 kg

ü  The classic pool table is a bit wider than trainer pool table.
ü  The trainer pool table weight a lot less than classic pool table
ü  The trainer pool table is little cheaper than classic pool table

1.2.6. Complete exercises A and B on pages 84 and 85 and A to C on pages 86 and 87 of your Market Leader book. (A). Complete these sentences with the present continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

Use contractions where possible.
1.      Matti isn’t in the office today. He’s meeting (meet) customers all day.
2.      Marta’s on the phone. She’s calling (call) about the sales figure.
3.      I can’t come to the meeting. I’m writing (write) a report. I must finish it this morning.
4.      We’re building (build) a new factory in Spain: The work is nearly finished.
5.      The marketing team is very busy right now. They’re working (work) on the launch of a new product.
6.      Our business in Japan not going (not go) well at the moment.
7.      We have a lot of orders, so productions are hiring (hire) 40 extra staff. (B). Work in pairs. Ask and answer these two questions.

Use your own ideas and words from the box in your answers.
Build – change – develop – improve – introduce – prepare – open –
organize -- write
A: What are you working on at the moment?
I am developing other projects.
B: I’m preparing a presentation for a seminar.
If I'm building a presentation for a presentation.
A: What is happening at your company / university?
  Is in the process of change from semester to improve their performance.
B: They’re improving security.
Relating the change in the shares every month.

Language Focus 2: Present simple or present continuous (A). Which tense are these time expressions normally used with? Put them in the correct column of the chart below.
Always – at the moment – currently – every day – normally – now – this time – day – today -- usually

Table 4: Exercise 3
Present simple
Present continuous
At the moment
Every day
This time

usually (B). Choose either the present simple or the present continuous form of the verb to complete these sentences.

1.      I stay / am staying at the Ritz every time I’m in New York. I stay / am staying at the Ritz at the moment.
2.      Jan works / is working from home today. She usually works / is working at the company’s training centre.
3.      She often calls / is calling Russia. Right now, she calls / is calling a customer in Moscow.
4.      I don’t usually deal / dealing with paperwork. I deal / am dealing with all the paperwork while Susan is away.
5.      Deliveries take / are taking over two months at present. Usually they take / are taking just six weeks.
6.      Most of the time we use / are using DHL for deliveries. This time, we use / are using a different company. (C). Complete this article with the present simple or the present continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

Profile PRET A MANGER: Pret A Manger is (be) a UK Company and one of the world’s leading sandwich chains. It selling (sell) freshly made sandwich in busy city centres. At the end of each day, the shops giving (give) any unsold products to the homeless. Currently. Pret doing (do) very well in the south of England.
Pret operates (operate) a total of 232 UK outlets, and this year it plan (plan) new outlets for London. In the US, it having (have) 23 outlets in New York and another 10 in Hong Kong.
Pret’s international activities grow (grow) in importance. This month, as part of the next stage of expansion, Pret open (open) its first two shops in Paris. At the same time, the marketing team work (work) with Lewis PR, a global PR company, to improve the brand’s international image.

Activity 2 - Reading and listening

2.1 Reading

2.1.1. Develop exercises A to E on page 69 of your Market Leader book. (A). Before you read the article below, discuss these questions.

1.      What famous businesswomen do you know?
Silvia Tcherassi.
2.      What qualities do you need to be a successful business executive?
Active, Affectionate , Grateful, Thrifty , Cheerful, Unselfish , Friendly , Ambitious, Friendly , Attentive, Bold, Austere , Authentic , Adventurous, Benevolent , Gracious , Cabal , Able , with Character , Charity , Cautious , good companion, Comprehensive , Engaged , Communicative , conscious , Concise, Consistent , Courteous , Creative , Determined, Diligent , disciplined , Discreet, Educated. (B). As you read the article, make quick notes to complete the profile of Andrea Jung on the left.

Andrea Jung
Ø  Born in: Toronto
Ø  Grew up in: Massachusetts
Ø  Education: Graduated from Princeton. She speaks fluent Mandarin.
Ø  Appearance: Famous for her long black hair, pearl necklaces
Ø  Company: Jung joined Avon in 1994. Four years later, she became Avon’s first female CEO.
Ø  Professional achievements: Graduated from Princeton, She speaks fluent Mandarin, She is CEO the AVON. (C). Decide whether these statements are true (T) or false (F). Correct the false ones.

1.      Avon sells cosmetics through shops. _________________________ F
2.      Andrea Jung speaks English and Chinese. _____________________ T
3.      Around 50 per cent of manager at Avon are women. _____________ T
4.      Avon has an all-female board. _______________________________ T
5.      Jung thinks all-women management teams the best decisions. ______ T
6.      She is on the boards of two other companies. ___________________ T

1.      People who sell a company’s product (paragraph 1)
Avon sells cosmetics door to door in more than 120 countries
2.      When you decide to do something and do not let anything stop you (paragraph 3)
She told her parents she didn’t like the job and wanted to quit. “’ Quit?’ they said. ‘The Chinese don’t quit. You learn more from bad than good experiences –That’s how you grow.’”

3.      Leave a job without finishing it (paragraph 3)
“’ Quit?’ they said. ‘The Chinese don’t quit. You learn more from bad than good experiences –That’s how you grow.’”
4.      All the money that a company receives regularly (paragraph 4)
Four years later, she became Avon’s first female CEO. At that time, the company had revenues of $4bn. Today, its revenues are more than $10bn.
5.      A very strong liking for something (paragraph 6)
Jung is one of the world’s top business leaders. She is also on the board of GE and Apple.
ü  Remains as a charge for so long?
ü  He learned how to speak mandarin?
ü  What is your technique to be successful in a patriarchal world?

2.1.2. Read article Volkswagen’s Black Beetle ad on page 76 of your Market Leader book and develop exercises A to D.

1.      Which four adjectives best describe a VW Beetle?
Big – fast – feminine – fun – masculine – powerfulsafestylishunusual
2.      In your country, how popular is the Beetle? Who typically buys it?
In Colombia, the most popular car is the Chevrolet, VW has not arrived and is a bit unusual use you’re overcrowded.

1.      How is the photo in the article related to the 2012 Beetle?
2.      What kind of person did VW want to see the advert?
1.      An American / A German agency created the commercial.
2.      The 2012 Beetle has a more masculine / feminine design than the older New Beetle.
3.      The target customer for the 2012 Beetle is male / male and female drivers.
4.      The ad shows / doesn’t show the new car in detail.
5.      VW first showed the commercial on US / German TV.
6.      VW first showed the car to the public at an event in Shanghai / New York.

Table 5: Exercise 4C
Male drivers/customers
The 2012 Beetle
A commercial

2.1.3. Open your Market Leader book on page 85.

Read article New markets for Gamesa, and develop exercises A, B, C, D and F (all of them individually). Send these exercises in the Word file corresponding to Study Guide 3. DO NOT take photos of the pages and paste them on the Word file; you have to type these exercises (including the instructions).

1.                  How popular is wind energy in your country?
In Colombia wind energy is not applied due to its high expense in the country and no one manufactures its high costs then amount not create incentives
2.                  Which of these points are advantages and disadvantages for wind energy?
Add other points you can think of.
n    Safe. _______________________ A
n    Clean form of energy. _________ A
n    Wind is not constant. __________ D
n    Noisy. ______________________ A
n    Ugly. _______________________ A

Table 6: Exercise 2, pág. 85
To install
To start something new
Manufacturing plant
A company that is owned by another larger company
To put equipment in position, so it is ready to use
To set up
A company that you buy from
A factory that makes machines and equipment
A part of a machine
Is it doing better in its home market or in international markets?
Gamesa in its work as a generator of alternative energy trying to get noticed in the market international scale production of turbines and parts giving a proportion to excellence and good service.
Table 7: Exercise 4, Pag. 85
Turbines eolicas
Growth markets
China and now in India and Brazil
Numbers of:
Results (first half 2011)
€ 1,297 million
Countries with sales offices

The US, China and now in India and Brazil
Manufacturing plants
In 20 countries and 30 manufacturing plants in Europe

Student A: Turn to page 134
Student A: Turn to page 141
Share the information in your notes with your partner.
How is Gamesa’s strategy the same in each country? How is it different?
The strategy in each country have to first open a sales center and see the market for 4 to 6 months opened the factory and hires staff from that country besides generating employment which opens channels of communication in all sectors of the country in sales process.
The difference is that passion every time the market penetration is faster or slower depending on the need for this.

Table 8: Exercise 6, pág. 85
Set up
The (Brazilian) market
A subsidiary
(more) workers

2.2.1. Go over learning object 2 to get familiar with 7 tips to improve listening skills. Now put them into practice!

Here are seven listening skills that you need to develop if you want to understand most native English speakers.
Second, recognized reduce forms. A reduce form is an expression after it has been reduced (that is, made smaller or spoken more quickly).
Third, don’t get distracted by fillers. A filler is a word, an expression or a sound that we use when we are trying to decide what to say next (like uh, um, you know).
Four, recognize words without stress. Stressed vowels are generally louder and longer. The English language stresses nouns, main verbs, adjectives, and adverbs. The English language does not stress pronouns, helping words, determines, conjunctions and prepositions.
Fifth, focus on words with stress. The words that have more meaning are stressed words: Nouns, main verbs, adjectives and adverbs.
Sixth, understand fast English speaking. You need to develop the ability to understand those who speak very quickly.
Seventh, ignore extra noise. Sometimes it is necessary to specially concentrate because the extra noise about the speaker can be distracting.

2.2.2. Open your Market Leader book on page 67 and develop exercises A to C on listening.

Managing people (A). CD2.1. Ros Pomeroy, a management consultant, talks about the people she likes to work with.

Listen to the first part of the interview. Which adjectives from Vocabulary Exercise A does she mention?
Hard-working, reliable, creative (B). CD2.2. Listen to the second part of the interview and answer these questions.

1.      Why did team members hide information from one bad manager?
I can think of one manager who often criticized members of her team in from of others.
2.      Why were the team members not prepared to take any risks?
Because they knew that if something went wrong, then she would not support them.

Well, luckily, I have met and worked with several good managers, and these are people who are willing to delegate; that is, they will give a task to a team member to get on and complete. They are less involved in how a task is done, but they are clear about setting the objective and being clear about what results they expect. And a god manager will also give praise and feedback to a team member when they do a good job.

Good and bad advertising
1.      What’s your favourite advert on TV at the moment? Why do you like it?
Everyone ads that leave a message of happiness and peace in addition to advertise your product.
2.      Can you give an example of a bad advert?
Travel agents who say that paying as much entitled to everything and when using this is that it is not all but a part.
3.      Do you think there is too much advertising?
Yes, sometimes extending far or repeated and annoying.

An organization development consultant. Which of the questions in Exercise A does she answer?
An advert I really don’t like is one for a snack product of potato crisps. It`s about a man choosing whether he loves the potato crisps more than his partner or not. I think this is completely unrealistic, and it also goes on for a long time.
1.      What is the product in the advert she does not like?
One for a snack product of potato crisps.
2.      What is the advert about?
It`s about a man choosing whether he loves the potato crisps more than his partner or not.
3.      Why does she not like the advert? (Give two reasons.)
I think this is completely unrealistic, and it also goes on for a long time. (D). CD2.13. In the second part of the interview, Liz Credé talks about what makes an advert really effective. Listen and complete this extract.
I think what makes it effective is for it to be very memorable, that you remember a key message or the main product in it. One that I particularly like at the moment is the Honda cars advert, which uses pictures of flowers in the countryside to give a very modern message about the engine and the cars. (E). In pairs, think of four ways to complete this sentence.
·         Adverts should not promote child labor.
·         Adverts should not promote drug or alcoholic beverages.
·         Adverts should not promote false advertising.
·         Adverts should not have hidden messages.

What example does she give?
I’m thinking particularly about cleaning products, which claim to remove stains, but they don’t do it when I try them at home.
A favourite company

A specialist in change leadership, is talking about his favourite company. Listen to the first part of the interview and complete these notes.

o   Decent people who really look after their workers.
o   Care about their customers.
o   Want to meet customers’ needs.
o   Care about the environment.
o   Believe they`re helping people when they most need it.

1.      What type of company would Jeremy like to work for?
It wants to change things for people in the world for the better.
2.      What sort of things would that company produce or do?
So a company, perhaps, that will produce green energy, or affordable housing for the poorest people in the world, or ways of feeding people who can’t currently be fed.
3.      What of the best companies have in common?
I think the one thing they have common is strong leadership
4.      Which of the following does Jeremy mention?
ü  Wanting workers to work at their best
ü  Understanding customers ‘needs
ü  Looking after the environment
ü  Promoting equality
ü  Being ethical and legal

1.      Rolls Royce – Leadership.
2.      Apple --------- Innovation and creativity.
3.      Google ------- Invest a lot of time in inventing new products for its customers.
4.      Fairtrade ---- Is renowned for looking after people in the world.
5.      Body Shop --- Is renowned for being environmentally friendly.

2.2.6.      Open this video http://goo.gl/3k5ey1 and answer the questions as follows in the Word file to be delivered:
Ø What is the main difference between bakeries and pastry shops?
·         That the bakery is a combination of essences and the pastry is a single essence that is making a cake.
·         A local baker is likely to interact with coworkers and customers
Ø What is the main task of local bakers?
ü    A local baker is likely to interact with coworkers and customers, and has a hands-on approach to the products

Ø Which professional spends more time with machines?
ü     Common sense experience and skill with their hands to troubleshoot on the job as the industry becomes more automated, industrial bakes are called upon to watch dials and monitors instead a personally observing the direct effects of their.
Ø Which are the three aspects allowing to state that everything is in order when baking?
ü    There is a certain amount  bending lifting balancing and stooping involved, most workers spent a lot of time earhart ovens.
Ø How is most workers’ work time and work place described?
ü    Most workers spent a lot of time earhart ovens, and must work evenings or weekends it’s often  noisy environment to preparing batters and fillings requires the ability to measure and the knowledge to correctly operate scales and use graduated containers
Ø Which are the three abilities mentioned to prepare the bakery products?
ü    There is a certain amount a bending lifting balancing and stooping involved, most workers spent a lot of time earhart ovens.
Ø Which aspects do bakers have to take into consideration to move up in the business?
ü    Fillings requires the ability to measure and the knowledge to correctly operate scales and use graduated containers, as you move up in the business you might need to learn more about how baked goods.

Ø How many years of vocational training do manufacturing bakers need?
ü    Made and distributed for this reason most manufacturing bakers need one to two years a vocational training or related on-the-job experience the annual ages for this position.
Ø How is job growth expected to be in the future?
ü  Relatively low and job growth is expected to be slower than average, but there are always opportunities for manufacturing bakers, who come up with a great product and cook up, real success story,
Ø Which kind of manufacturing bakers have opportunities in the future market?
o   Bakers for the future are more technical and will need more time.

Activity 3 - Speaking and Writing

3.1.1.      Enter Forum 2 and follow the instructions to participate.

1.      Work in pairs. Discuss the problems and decide what each person should do to solve them.
a-      How can Susana deal with the problem?
First talk is your companion and set the record straight if things do not improve complaint with your manager, then call your customers and give your personal phone number to be called, is third if disciplinary action against an entity to work if it does not work look for another company.
b-      Do you agree with Thomas that ‘it’s’ not fair?
We must define the expectations you have with respect to that work, if you cannot improve things must take action as look for ways to take direct action to the calling client or go to the office if this cannot be looking for other options find customers, the latter defining their roles with respect to whether they are of the same level and have to do the same things and pay more for less is on the best exit.

2.      Join another pair. Share information about your decisions. Try to agree on the right decision in each case
1.      Complete these sentences about the advertisement.
ü  It’s an advertisement for the beetle changes into the outline of the car, in the shadows.
ü  The music for the ad is the rock song Black Betty.
ü  It shows the advert during the commercial breaks of the American football Super Bowl in April 2011.
ü  I like the advertisement because using an image of a beetle for the car is not the most original advertising idea, but the advert is fun to watch.
2.      Tell another student about your advertisement.
1.      Work in small groups. Read your company profile.
Student A: Turn to page 133.
Position: Advertising Manager, Omnia supermarkets
                Head office: Paris, France

Duties: Plan advertising camping
            Prepare budgets
            Lead and motivates staff
Company profile: A group of supermarkets and convenience stores in
France; sells food, household products and furniture
Employees: approximately 1,500
Turnover: €220 million
Profit:      €18.4 million
Competitors: Carrefour, Auchamp, other supermarket chains
Plans: to build more convenience stores
        To sell more ‘own label’ products
Student B: Turn to page 142.
Position: Production Manager, Miriam Palmer Health Care
               Head office: Munich, Germany

Duties:  To manage and control production
             To check product quality
             To supervise and motivate the factory workers
Company profile: makes beauty and skin-care products; sells its 
Products in 25 countries
Employees: 2,500
Turnover: US$85 million
Profit:      US$ 10.2 million
Competitors: L’Oreal, Henkel
Plans: To set up factories in Africa
           To launch a new hair shampoo in the US

2.      Prepare a short presentation about yourself and the company you work for.
It should last approximately one minute.
3.      Make your presentation to the other members of your group. Try to answer any questions they ask.
4.      As a group, decide what you liked about each presentation. Why was it interesting?
Use http://goo.gl/7TeSVh or http://goo.gl/vOhbS4 to record the discussion, and then paste the link on the Word file to be delivered indicating the names of team members.
Julian Moreno And Cesar Acero.

3.1.5.              Go over Learning Object 3 and get familiar with punctuation marks (part 2). 
Do not forget to develop the exercises at the end of the explanation. Develop the writing activity on page 89: write a short profile (not exceeding one page long) as indicated in the text book. Finally, include this writing activity in your Word file to be delivered (please do not paste texts as images; type them).

           Exercise: Punctuation Exercise
Put in semicolons, colons, dashes, quotation marks, Italics (use an underline), and parentheses where ever they are needed in the following sentences.
1.                   The men in question Harold Keene, Jim Peterson, and Gerald Greene deserve awards.
-                      The men in question (Harold Keene, Jim Peterson, and Gerald Greene) deserve awards.
2.                   Several countries participated in the airlift Italy, Belgium, France, and Luxembourg.
- Several countries participated in the airlift: Italy, Belgium, France, and Luxembourg.
3. Only one course was open to us surrender, said the ex-major, and we did.
- "Only one course was open to us: surrender," said the ex-major, "and we did."
4. Judge Carswell later to be nominated for the Supreme Court had ruled against civil rights.
- Judge Carswell--later to be nominated for the Supreme Court--had ruled against civil rights.
5. In last week's New Yorker, one of my favorite magazines, I enjoyed reading Leland's article How Not to Go Camping.
- In last week's New Yorker, one of my favorite magazines, I enjoyed reading Leland's article "How Not to Go Camping."
6. Yes, Jim said, I'll be home by ten.
- "Yes, Jim said, "I'll be home by ten."
7. There was only one thing to do study till dawn.
- There was only one thing to do--study till dawn.
8. Montaigne wrote the following a wise man never loses anything, if he has himself.
- Montaigne wrote the following: "A wise man never loses anything, if he has himself."
9. The following are the primary colors red, blue, and yellow.
- The following are the primary colors: red, blue, and yellow.
10. Arriving on the 8 10 plane were Liz Brooks, my old roommate her husband and Tim, their son.
- Arriving on the 8:10 plane were Liz Brooks, my old roommate; her husband; and Tim, their son.
11. When the teacher commented that her spelling was poor, Lynn replied All the members of my family are poor spellers. Why not me?
- When the teacher commented that her spelling was poor, Lynn replied, "All the members of my family are poor spellers. Why not me?"
12. He used the phrase you know so often that I finally said No, I don't know.
- He used the phrase "you know" so often that I finally said, "No, I don't know."
13. The automobile dealer handled three makes of cars Volkswagens, Porsches, and Mercedes Benz.
- The automobile dealer handled three makes of cars: Volkswagens, Porsches, and Mercedes Benz.
14. Though Phil said he would arrive on the 9 19 flight, he came instead on the 10 36 flight.
- Though Phil said he would arrive on the 9:19 flight, he came instead on the 10:36 flight.
15. Whoever thought said Helen that Jack would be elected class president?
- "Whoever thought," said Helen, "that Jack would be elected class president?"
16. In baseball, a show boat is a man who shows off.
- In baseball, a "show boat" is a man who shows off.
17. The minister quoted Isaiah 5 21 in last Sunday's sermon.
- The minister quoted Isaiah 5:21 in last Sunday's sermon.
18. There was a very interesting article entitled The New Rage for Folk Singing in last Sunday's New York Times newspaper.
- There was a very interesting article entitled "The New Rage for Folk Singing" in last Sunday's New York Times newspaper.
19. Whoever is elected secretary of the club Ashley, or Chandra, or Aisha must be prepared to do a great deal of work, said Jumita, the previous secretary.
- "Whoever is elected secretary of the club--Ashley, or Chandra, or Aisha--must be prepared to do a great deal of work," said Jumita, the previous secretary.
20. Darwin's On the Origin of Species 1859 caused a great controversy when it appeared.
- Darwin's On the Origin of Species (1859) caused a great controversy when it appeared.


Activity 4 - Final project (Stage 3)

4.1.          Final Project (Stage 3)

4.1.1.      Work in the same groups of 3 or 4 people (of study guides 1 and 2).

And you have been working on their background, now you have to select one company from their direct competition.
Chosen company is Pacific Rubiales Energy
The company is to compare Ecopetrol
The one chose in Stage 1 of this project, and the one you chose as its competitor. Use any collaborative and interactive tool to present this information -time lines, prezi, graphs, inphographics, etc. Remember that you have to use comparatives and superlatives, simple present, simple past, and present continuous for this activity.

                          My Blog is: http://jmtinnovar.blogspot.com/


David Colton, D. F. (2014). Elementary Market Leader Business English Course Book. Pearson.
English, B. N. (2004-2013). http://www.breakingnewsenglish.com/. Obtenido de http://www.breakingnewsenglish.com/
from:http://goo.gl/wkFqOt, E. T. (Dirección). (2010). Replacements Ltd [Película].
travel, B. A. (Dirección). (2011). Luxembourg fro bussiness [Película].


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